
Help Wanted

*We, The GYP Street Team Officials, might know good writing when we read it, but collectively we basically suck at design and really anything to do with the intricacies of putting out a professional newsletter and blog. If you have any of those mad skillz and think you'd like to donate your talent, please give us a holler!
*We are always looking for fun features and peeps to handle them! If you'd like to become a regular newsletter and/or blog contributor, please email us with your interest. Applicants must be Grab Your Pole Street Team members and should be trustworthy, dedicated, and somewhat organized-ish in order to fulfill newsletter/blog obligations within certain time frames.

*Please note that although we are happy to include follow links for contributors, any and all services and positions are UNPAID. You will not be financially compensated or reimbursed for your time or any contribution you may happen to make.

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