Thursday, May 30, 2013

Buffy, Bacon, & Shiny Things, OH MY! (Season 1 Pilot Episode)

Hey everyone, and welcome to the inaugural post of the GYP Street Team Blog, and the "Buffy, Bacon, and Shiny Things, OH MY!!" column. Every post I will bring you some fun, random information that may (or may not) pertain to GYP and the wonderful Jenn Cooksey. For starters, since you probably don't know me, you should check out the dedication and the acknowledgements from TOFitS (The Other Fish in the Sea, abbreviated to save space). And, if you still want to know more, send in questions (I'm sure we've got a way to do that…) and I'll do a viewer mail column sometime in the near future. Maybe. Anyway, on to the random fun!! 

So last week, May 20th to be exact, was the 10th anniversary of the final episode of the Best. Show. Ever. (Buffy the Vampire Slayer in case you were unaware, somehow…), and that prompted me to send Jenn a short video on some of the best of Buffy. And, I WAS going to post that video for you to enjoy, but then I stumbled on THIS gem instead…and it HAS to be shared, pure genius! (Also, I don't think Jenn's seen it yet, so bonus points)

So, in honor of the 10th anniversary of the finale of Buffy, I thought I'd put together some other randomly important dates:

I think that's about it for now, definitely enough to keep you entertained for at least 15 minutes. Until next time, bitches. :)
Feature Contributor:

Kelly, Queen of Random Shit
Twitter | Blog

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